Thank you for being a valuable client of Gloria Aviation.

Gloria Aviation President
Aircraft Mechanic (22-002349)
HRD Festival Award Winner

Kyunggi High School Graduate (Class of 77)
Korea Aerospace University Mechanical Engineering (Class of 81)
ROTC /Air Force Headquarters Lieutenant
Yonsei University Business Graduate School, Department of Economics

Gloria Aviation is competitive in training Aviation professionals through Education Business such as Korean Aviation College and Gloria Flight Academy. As a global aviation specialist, the company aims to improve aviation safety and efficiency by contributing towards firefighting, Helicopter Emergency Medical Services, MRO, UAM, transportation, service centers, VIP transfers and rental.

Even though General Aviation consists of 94% of the 400,000+ Civil Aviation aircraft worldwide, the Korean Transportation industry status stands relatively weak in relation. In order to respond to this issue, Gloria Aviation contributes with diverse business projects such as Helicopter Use, Aircraft Transportation, engine & equipment overhaul, and maintenance.

Since the foundation of Korean Aviation College in 1990, Gloria Aviation has been training exceptional Aviation specialists as well as maintaining close relationships with the government and military.

Gloria Aviation is open to receiving partnership opportunities with both domestic and international corporates and individuals who require our role and cooperation.

It is our vision and pride to serve our clients to their benefit.

Thank you.

14, Wangsan-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 02582

14, Wangsan-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 02582